One million Chinese cellphone users reportedly infected with zombie virus

Some disturbing news has come to light for our Chinese readers now, with the news of a new “zombie virus” that is sweeping the country and has infected over 1 million cellphones.

Viruses built to exploit and takeover cellphones have had a moderately short lifespan compared to computer viruses, but it seems as the more that time passes, the more deadly they become.

China are the latest victims in the cellphone virus rise, with a “zombie virus” that disguises itself as an antivirus application.

The virus spreads quite easily, and then cashes in by spamming the cellphone with money-making links and other general popups and advertisements that seem to have built up around $300,000 per-day in added text message charges.

We are told that the authorities have tracked down the people who designed the virus, but in a strange twist it seems as though they have nothing to do with the virus, as they are also a victim too, so they say.

Have you been affected by the “zombie virus,” or any other cellphone virus for that matter. Let us know your stories.

source : enggadget

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Remove VirusUpdated at : 7:36:00 AM