Remove virus manually

When a virus is active in a PC before what that ago is to worry itself of disattivare the programs for the emergency and the antivirus in primis. For this reason it turns out obvious that in order to remove a virus it must take part in various way.

Like removing a virus manually

If it were decided to take part with the manual removal, must keep in mind who will go itself to take part in the registry; therefore it must be aware of the risks and of what it is being made. Generally a virus when it is active has a process in memory and inserts a key in the registry for autoattivarsi to every start, therefore once removed (e) this key (you) enough then to remove the rows inserted from the present virus and if to
disabilitare the System present Restore in win Me and Win XP. The question that is made is the following one: How I recognize the process of the virus and the key of the registry? The answer is simple, enough to visit the sites of the TrendMicro, Symantec, etc and to try own present virus. Of this reason I have inserted a search engine for virus of the TrendMicro in order to render the search of the virus easy. Like already said if in a PC c' it is a virus is present a process in memory and keys in the registry. We suppose of being by now infects from the MsBlast.A virus much famous one. In the information of the TrendMicro besides an introduction of the virus with the characteristics the Solution section is present:

Here they come exposed the two methods of disinfestazione, first (AUTOMATIC REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS) through the Tool Trend Microcleaner and according to through a manual removal (MANUAL REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS). The steps that are completed in the manual removal are always the same ones, that is change only to the actors the viruses but even if it is not comprised well. It’s The procedure for the other viruses the method is the same one:

In the manual removal Trend Micro it begins thus:
Terminating the Malware Program
This procedure terminates the running malware process from memory.

  1. Open Windows Task Manager, press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, and click the Processes tab.
  2. In the list of running programs, locate the process: MSBLAST.EXE
  3. Select the malware process, then press the End Process button.
  4. To check if the malware process has been terminated, close Task Manager, and then open it again.
  5. Close Task Manager

Note: Windows 98 /Me does not allow to see all the processes in the Task manager therefore is necessary to use a program of third parts as ProceXP9x
Successive step :
Removing Autostart Entries from the Registry
Removing autostart entries from the registry prevents the malware from executing during startup.
  1. Open Registry Editor. To do this, click Start>Run, type Regedit, then press Enter.
  2. In the left panel, double-click the following:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run
  3. In the right panel, locate and delete the entry:"windows auto update" = MSBLAST.EXE
  4. Close Registry Editor.
NOTE: If you were not able to terminate the malware process from memory as described in the previous procedure, restart your system.

Remove Virus
Remove VirusUpdated at : 12:22:00 AM